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av 国产 来自你体魄的一封信:不许你再凌暴我! - 做爱图片

av 国产 来自你体魄的一封信:不许你再凌暴我!

栏目分类av 国产 来自你体魄的一封信:不许你再凌暴我!

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av 国产 来自你体魄的一封信:不许你再凌暴我!

发布日期:2024-10-25 11:47    点击次数:68

你是否频频不吃早饭av 国产,熬夜追剧加班,吸烟、喝酒、吃垃圾食物,还从来不本质?










鉴于有东谈主从来不懂得赞理这位一又友,让ta受尽了闹心, ta决定写一封信吐吐苦水!信的本色如下:



Hi! It's your body here! Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm the home that you've always lived in. Surely you remember. We grew up together! 嗨,我是你的体魄!允许我再自我先容一下。我是你一直住着的“家”。你详情难无私,咱们全部长大的。

And I'm writing in this letter cause, I feel neglected in this relationship, very disappointed in what I've been seeing. With your ambition to make money you sacrificed my well being, which makes no sense in the least because when I get sick you sacrificed that same money to recuperate ME.我写这封信是因为,我嗅觉我在这段相干里被漠视了。我对我所看到的很失望。你有思挣钱的洪志,却为此葬送我的健康。这弥散不对理,因为若是我病了,你赚的那些钱齐要用来给我治病!

And what's even more ironic is with all your interest in profit you can't even see the truth that I'm worth over A BILLION DOLLARS.更讪笑的是,你孤恩负德,以至看不清这个事实:我才是最贵重的啊!

Don't believe me? Okay I'll prove it.你不确信?好吧,我解说给你看。


If someone came to you with a check for One Million and said “Here. All I want in return is your eyesight.” 若是有东谈主拿着100万的支票来找你,他说:“给你,作为交换,我思要你的视觉。”

You will never be able to see another sunset for the rest of your natural life. Would you take that deal? 你将在余生里再也看不到夕阳,这样的交游你承诺吗?


Ok, let's up the bid.好吧,让咱们把赌注加大。

Suppose he had a check for Ten Million instead, And if you accepted you would no longer have use of your arms or legs. Would you take THAT deal? 假定他有一张千万的支票,若是你给与了,你将再也无法使用动作。你要交换吗?

I can answer that for you. No. 我不错替你恢复。不要。

Those are silly options because you know that as your body I am worth over a BILLION DOLLARS. 这齐是一些很愚蠢的选拔,因为我的价值远不啻于此。

And don't get me started with the heart. If I was a company, right? This Heart wouldn't get Employee of the Month. It would get the Employee of the LIFE!别让我提腹黑了。若是我是一间公司,腹黑不会获取“月度最好职工”称呼。它要获取的是“终生最好职工”。

Because throughout your entire existence as a person, your heart never stops working! Even when you're sleeping it doesn't stop beating, that's EVERY SECOND EVERY MINUTE EVERY DAY and come to think of it I can't recall you ever saying Thanks.因为在你的一世里,你的腹黑从未住手职责!即使在你睡眠时,它也莫得住手逾越,每秒每分每天齐在职责,当今思思,我不曾听你说过谢谢。

Anyway I don't want this to come off as rude. Just asking for a little attention here dude. 无论如何,我不思冒犯你,仅仅思要你对我多点温雅。

I know you try to make me look perfect when you're Instagramming. But we both know you been taking me for granted. 我知谈你发一又友圈时思让我尽量看起来完好。然而咱们齐知谈,你并不爱重我。


Consider this an opportunity. After this video ends don't click to the next one like you do usually. Take some time by yourself. Just, you and me. Place your hand on your chest and say “Thank You” To your heartbeat. To your EYES, LEGS, ARMS. To your hands that your use for climbing. To your lungs that bring you breathe without you even trying.  借此契机,看完这个视频,别忙着像平日同样点下一个。给你和我小数寂寞的工夫。把你的手放在胸口,对腹黑说“谢谢”。对你的眼睛、双腿、胳背,对你用来攀爬的手,对让你呼吸的肺部说“谢谢”。


I do it all for you, cause you come first.Cause you're my homie! We go way back, don't we? Like, birth?我为你作念这一切,是因为你永恒是我的第一位,因为你是我的好一又友,咱们意志很潜入,对吧?八成,从降生运转?

I just think it's time you start treating me what I'm worth.我思,是工夫你该给我应有的对待了。


(裁剪:董静)av 国产

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